Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas SB1188


Relating to electronic health record requirements.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

"Female" means an individual whose reproductive system is developed to produce ova. [...] "Male" means an individual whose reproductive system is developed to produce sperm.

The Texas Medical Board, and the Texas Department of Insurance shall jointly ensure that [...] (1) each electronic health record prepared or maintained by a medical facility, health care practitioner, or governmental entity in this state includes [...] an individual's biological sex as either male or female based on the individual's observed biological sex recorded by a health care practitioner at birth; (2) any algorithm or decision assistance tool included in an electronic health record to assist a health care practitioner in making medical treatment decisions is based on an individual's biological sex.

The commission may not provide Medicaid reimbursement to a medical facility or health care practitioner that violates this chapter and shall disenroll the medical facility or health care practitioner from participation as a Medicaid provider.


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2025-02-07Received by the Secretary of the Senate