Trans Legislation Tracker

South Carolina S0104


Library funding

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Section 60-9-15 So As To Provide For The Manner Of Allocating Amounts Appropriated For Aid To County Libraries, And To Provide That In Order To Receive These Funds County Libraries Must Certify To The State Library That They Do Not Offer Any Books Or Materials That Appeal To The Prurient Interests Of Children Under The Age Of Seventeen In Children, Youth, Or Teen Book Sections And Are Only Available With Parental Consent, And To Provide County Libraries Must Recertify Compliance With This Provision Quarterly Before It May Receive A Disbursement Of These Funds.

Legislative Session


126th General Assembly

Selected quotes

Prior to receiving funds described in subsection (B), county libraries must certify to the State Library that their county libraries do not offer any books or materials that appeal to the prurient interest of children under the age of seventeen in children, youth, or teen book sections of libraries and are only made available with explicit parental consent. Each county library must recertify this information quarterly each time it is to receive such funds, and the State Library shall confirm receipt of this recertification before it may disburse funds to a library.


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2025-01-14Introduced and read first time
2025-01-14Referred to Committee on Education
2024-12-11Referred to Committee on Education