Trans Legislation Tracker

Kentucky HB314


AN ACT relating to equality in access to financial services.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to define terms; prohibit financial institutions from discriminating in, or agreeing, conspiring, or coordinating to discriminate in, the provision of financial services by utilizing a social credit score; establish notice requirements when a financial institution refuses to provide, restricts, or terminates financial services; make violation an unfair, false, misleading, or deceptive trade practice in violation of KRS 367.170; establish remedies; authorize enforcement by the Attorney General; require construction in favor of broad protection of conduct, opinions, and beliefs protected by certain laws.

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

A financial institution shall not: (a) Discriminate in the provision of financial services to a person; [...] "Discriminate in the provision of financial services": 1. Means utilizing a social credit score to, directly or indirectly, decline to provide full and equal enjoyment in the provision of financial services; [...] "Social credit score": 1. Means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] Failure or refusal to: [...] ii. Conduct any type of racial, diversity, or gender audit or disclosure; iii. Provide any form of quota, preference, or benefit based, in whole or part, on race, diversity, or gender; or iv. Facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services;


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2025-02-07to Banking & Insurance (H)
2025-02-05introduced in House
2025-02-05to Committee on Committees (H)