Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 5 anti-trans bills in Kansas in 2025. The legislation impacts 4 categories:





KS HB2071


Enacting the help not harm act to restrict the use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibit healthcare providers from providing gender transition whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorize a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, require professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment and prohibit professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians.

A recipient of state funds shall not use such funds to provide or subsidize medication or surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, as a treatment for a child's perception of gender or sex that is inconsistent with such child's sex. (b) An individual or entity that receives state funds to pay for or subsidize the treatment of children for psychological conditions, including gender dysphoria, shall not prescribe, dispense or administer medication or perform surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, or provide a referral to another healthcare provider for such medication or surgery for a child whose perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex. (c) The Kansas program of medical assistance and its managed care organizations shall not reimburse or provide coverage for medication or surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, as a treatment for a child whose perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex. (d) Except to the extent required by the first amendment to the United States constitution, a state property, facility or building shall not be used to promote or advocate the use of social transitioning, medication or surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, as a treatment for a child whose perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex. (e) A state property, facility or building shall not be used to prescribe, dispense or administer medication or perform surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, as a treatment for a child whose perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex. (f) A state employee whose official duties include the care of children shall not, while engaged in those official duties, promote the use of social transitioning or provide or promote medication or surgery as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, as a treatment for a child whose perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex perceived gender or perceived sex is inconsistent with such child's sex.

KS HB2311


Prohibiting the secretary from adopting and enforcing policies for placement, custody and appointment of a custodian that may conflict with sincerely held religious or moral beliefs regarding sexual orientation or gender identity and creating a right of action for violations.

The secretary for children and families shall not adopt, implement or enforce a policy for selection as an out-of-home or adoptive placement or custody for adoption [...] that: (1) Requires a person to affirm, accept or support any governmental policy regarding sexual orientation or gender identity that may conflict with the person's sincerely held religious or moral beliefs; or (2) prohibits selection, appointment or licensure, if otherwise eligible, of a person because of such person's sincerely held religious or moral beliefs regarding sexual orientation or gender identity or intent to guide or instruct a child consistent with such beliefs.



Prohibiting discrimination by financial services companies on the basis of social credit score and requiring registered investment advisers to obtain written consent from clients prior to investing client moneys in mutual funds, equity funds, companies and financial institutions that engage in ideological boycotts.

A financial services company shall not utilize standards or guidelines based on nonfinancial or ideological criteria, including the criteria constituting an ideological boycott, in determining whether or not to provide any financial service to a person or company. [...] "Ideological boycott" means, without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, refusing or limiting investment in, terminating business activities with or otherwise taking any commercial action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, limit commercial relations with or change or limit the activities of a company because the company, without violating controlling state or federal law: [...] (K) does not facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions, assisted suicide or gender reassignment services;



Enacting the help not harm act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare providers from providing gender transition care to children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians.

Prohibiting healthcare providers from treating a child whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex; authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments; restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning; prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children; requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatments; adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians; amending K.S.A. 65-2837 and repealing the existing section.



Requiring employees of school districts and postsecondary educational institutions to use the name and pronouns consistent with a student's biological sex and birth certificate and authorizing a cause of action for violations therefor.

(b) No employee of a school district or postsecondary educational institution, regardless of such employee's official duties, shall address a minor or student with a: (1) Pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the biological sex of such minor or student unless the employee has the written permission of such minor's or student's parent; and (2) name other than the name listed on the minor's or student's birth certificate, or a derivative of such name, without the written permission of the minor's or student's parent.