Trans Legislation Tracker

Indiana HB1428


Freedom of conscience in health care.

Freedom of conscience in health care. Provides that a health care provider, health care entity, and a health carrier may not be required to provide or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the conscience of the health care provider, health care entity, or health carrier. Establishes an exception for a health carrier. Specifies that a health care provider, health care entity, or a health carrier may not be subject to discrimination and certain other acts and liability for declining to provide the health care service. Establishes a civil action for a violation of these provisions. Provides that a person who prevails in a civil action is entitled to certain relief.

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

A health carrier may not be required to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, reimburse any of the costs of, or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the health carrier's conscience.

A health carrier that declines to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, reimburse any of the costs of, or refer an individual for a health care service described in subsection (a) may not be held civilly or criminally liable for declining to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse any of the costs of a health care service.

Sec. 6.Ahealthcarrier or prospective healthcarrier may not be subject to any of the following for declining to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, reimburse any of the costs of, or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the conscience of the health carrier or prospective health carrier: (1) Discrimination. (2) Denial of, revocation of, or disqualification for: (A) licensure; (B) a grant; or (C) any form of aid, assistance, benefit, or privilege. (3) Denial of authorization to establish, expand, improve, acquire, affiliate, or merge with the health carrier.


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2025-01-27Representative Cash added as coauthor
2025-01-21Authored by Representative Miller D
2025-01-21First reading: referred to Committee on Public Health