Trans Legislation Tracker

West Virginia HB4579


To prohibit punishment for teachers who refuse to use pronouns inconsistent with a child’s sex

The purpose of this bill is to protect West Virginia public school teachers who refuse to use pronouns that are inconsistent with a student's biological sex.

Legislative Session


2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

No classroom teacher employed in a public school in this state may be required to use a student's preferred pronoun when referring to the student if the preferred pronoun is not consistent with the student's biological sex.

A classroom teacher employed in a public school in this state is not civilly liable for using a pronoun that is consistent with the biological sex of the student to whom the teacher or employee is referring, even if the pronoun is not the student's preferred pronoun;

A classroom teacher employed in a public school in this state may not be subject to adverse employment action for not using a student's preferred pronoun that is inconsistent with the student's biological sex.


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2024-01-10Filed for introduction
2024-01-10To Education then Judiciary
2024-01-10Introduced in House
2024-01-10To House Education