Trans Legislation Tracker

Wisconsin SB489


Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child.

An Act to create 48.9865 of the statutes; Relating to: rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child.

Legislative Session


2023-2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

The bill reserves all of the following rights to the parent of a child without interference from the state or other government entity: [...] 9. The right to timely notice by the child's school, through a process consistent with school policy, of when a controversial subject will be taught or discussed in the child's classroom. The bill defines “controversial subject” as a subject of substantial public debate, disagreement, or disapproval and specifies that the term includes instruction about gender identity, sexual orientation, racial identity, structural, systemic, or institutional racism, or content that is not age-appropriate.


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2024-02-0510:00Hearing131 SouthSenate Education Executive Session
2024-01-1710:30Hearing400 SoutheastSenate Education Public Hearing


2024-04-15Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
2024-02-05Executive action taken
2024-02-05Report passage recommended by Committee on Education, Ayes 5, Noes 2
2024-02-05Available for scheduling
2024-01-17Representative Macco added as a cosponsor
2024-01-17Public hearing held
2023-10-16Read first time and referred to Committee on Education