Trans Legislation Tracker

United States HR1579


Prohibiting Members, officers, and employees of the House from using single-sex facilities other than those corresponding to their biological sex, and for other purposes.

Legislative Session


118th Congress

Selected quotes

Prohibiting Members, officers, and employees of the House from using single-sex facilities other than those corresponding to their biological sex, and for other purposes.

Whereas allowing biological males into single-sex facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms designed for women, jeopardizes the safety and dignity of Members, officers, and employees of the House who are female.

(a) PROHIBITION. — A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House may not use a single-sex facility (including a restroom, changing room, or locker room) in the Capitol or House Office Buildings, other than those corresponding to the biological sex of such individual.

(b) ENFORCEMENT.—The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives is charged with the enforcement of the prohibition under subsection (a).


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2024-11-18Introduced in House
2024-11-18Submitted in House
2024-11-18Introduced in House
2024-11-18Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.