Trans Legislation Tracker

United States HB7725


To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit graduate medical schools from receiving Federal financial assistance if such schools adopt certain policies and requirements relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Legislative Session


118th Congress

Selected quotes

No graduate medical school at an institution of higher education shall be eligible to receive funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, including participation in any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program, unless the institution certifies to the Secretary that the institution does not, and will not, do any of the following: [...] (4) Establish, maintain, or contract with a diversity, equity, and inclusion office, or any other functional equivalent of such an office, to serve the medical school. (5) Require or incentivize an individual to complete a diversity statement professing or adhering to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a condition of, or benefit in, admission or employment at such school.


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2024-03-19Introduced in House
2024-03-19Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.