Trans Legislation Tracker

United States HB3102


TSA Act Traditional Screening Application Act

To prohibit the Transportation Security Administration from using the "X" gender designation in the TSA PreCheck advanced security program, and for other purposes.

Legislative Session


118th Congress

Selected quotes

The Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration may not use the "X" gender designation in the TSA PreCheck advanced security program. The Administrator may permit applicants to and participants in such program to select from only "Male" or "Female".

DEFINITION.—The terms "male" and "female" mean the biological classification of male and female sex in the context of reproductive potential or capacity, as in7 dicated by sex chromosomes, naturally occurring sex hor8 mones, gonads, and nonambiguous internal and external genitalia present at birth.


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2023-05-05Introduced in House
2023-05-05Referred to the House Committee on Homeland Security.
2023-05-05Referred to the Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security.