Trans Legislation Tracker

Missouri HB1674


Establishes the "Employee Restroom and Locker Room Access Act"

Legislative Session


2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

(a) Requiring employees to share restroom or locker room facilities with members of the opposite sex can create a hostile work environment; and (b) It is in the public interest to ensure that all employees have access to restroom and locker room facilities that correspond to his or her biological sex. (2) The general assembly hereby declares that it is the public policy of this state to prohibit employers from requiring employees to share multiple-occupancy restrooms or changing areas or locker room facilites with members of the opposite sex


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2024-01-2416:30Executive SessionHouse Hearing Room 6Emerging Issues Executive Session
2024-01-1714:00HearingHouse Hearing Room 6Emerging Issues Hearing


2024-01-24Executive Session Continued
2024-01-24Action Postponed (H)
2024-01-17Public Hearing Completed (H)
2024-01-05Referred: Emerging Issues(H)
2024-01-04Read Second Time (H)
2024-01-03Read First Time (H)
2023-12-01Prefiled (H)