Trans Legislation Tracker

Minnesota HF3926


Minnesota Human Rights Act changes made.

Legislative Session


93rd Legislature 2023-2024

Selected quotes

Religious or fraternal organization. The provisions of section 363A.08 [Minnesota Human Rights Act] shall not apply to a religious or fraternal corporation, association, or society, with respect to qualifications based on religion or, sexual orientation, or gender identity when religion or, sexual orientation, or gender identity shall be a bona fide occupational qualification for employment.

Nothing in this chapter prohibits any religious association, religious corporation, or religious society that is not organized for private profit, or any institution organized for educational purposes that is operated, supervised, or controlled by a religious association, religious corporation, or religious society that is not organized for private profit, from:[...] (2) in matters relating to sexual orientation or gender identity, taking any action with respect to education, employment, housing and real property, or use of facilities.


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2024-04-29Second reading pursuant to House rule 4.31
2024-04-18House rule 4.31, notice of request to return bill to the house
2024-03-25Motion to suspend rules
2024-03-25Motion to lay previous motion on the table
2024-03-25Motion prevailed
2024-03-11Authors added Pfarr, Urdahl, and McDonald
2024-03-07Authors added Franson; Bakeberg; Anderson, P. E.; Neu Brindley; Robbins; Dotseth; Schultz; Hudson; Knudsen; Bliss; Davis; Davids; Jacob; Kresha; Heintzeman; Koznick; Rarick; Mueller; Nash; Bennett; Joy; Fogelman; Altendorf; Perryman; Engen; Burkel; Mekeland; and Johnson
2024-03-04Authors added Torkelson and Demuth
2024-02-19Introduction and first reading, referred to Judiciary Finance and Civil Law