Trans Legislation Tracker

Florida H1027


Single-sex Student Organizations

Creates Single-Sex Student Organizations' Bill of Rights; provides requirements for institutions of higher education & single-sex student organizations; providing penalties.

Legislative Session


2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

It is the intent of the Legislature to protect students who are members and prospective members of a single-sex student organization and single-sex student organizations from adverse action by an institution of higher education based solely on the student's membership in the organization or the organization's practice of limiting membership to only individuals of one sex.

(c) "Single-sex student organization" means a social fraternity or sorority [...] or an organization whose membership has been historically single sex and whose active membership consists primarily of students or alumni of an institution of higher education.

"Adverse action" means any of the following actions [...] against a single-sex student organization or a member or prospective member of a single-sex student organization: [...] 9. Interjecting criteria into the membership practices of such organization in any manner that conflicts with the protections afforded under title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.


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2024-03-08Died in Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-091st Reading (Original Filed Version)
2024-01-08Referred to Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-08Referred to Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee
2024-01-08Referred to Education & Employment Committee
2024-01-08Now in Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee