Trans Legislation Tracker

Tennessee SB0603


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9; Title 12; Title 49 and Title 63, relative to limiting the application of DEI training.

As introduced, prohibits public institutions of higher education offering certain medical and health-related degree or certificate programs, and state contractors, from requiring diversity, equity, and inclusion training and education for purposes of the issuance of a degree, or the approval of a state contract or grant, as applicable. - Amends TCA Title 9; Title 12; Title 49 and Title 63.

Legislative Session


113th General Assembly


View bill on LegiScan


2023-03-2215:00HearingCordell Hull BuildingSenate Education Hearing
2023-03-1512:00HearingCordell Hull BuildingSenate Education Hearing


2023-03-22Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee
2023-03-15Action deferred in Senate Education Committee to 3/22/2023
2023-03-15Placed on Senate Education Committee calendar for 3/22/2023
2023-03-08Placed on Senate Education Committee calendar for 3/15/2023
2023-01-30Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Education Committee
2023-01-26Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
2023-01-25Filed for introduction