Trans Legislation Tracker

Alabama SB211


Relating to two-year and four-year public institutions of higher education; to amend Section 16-1-52, Code of Alabama 1975, to prohibit a biological male from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for females; to prohibit a biological female from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for males; to prohibit adverse action against a public K-12 school or public two-year or four-year institution of higher education for complying with this act; to prohibit adverse action or retaliation against a student who reports a violation of this act; and to provide a remedy for any student who suffers harm as a result of a violation of this act.

Legislative Session


Regular Session 2023


View bill on LegiScan


2023-04-18Read First Time in House of Origin
2023-04-18Introduced and Referred to Senate Education Policy