Trans Legislation Tracker

Florida H0007


Individual Freedom

Provides that subjecting individuals to specified concepts under certain circumstances constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin; revising requirements for required instruction on the history of African Americans; requiring the department to prepare and offer certain standards and curriculum; authorizing the department to seek input from a specified organization for certain purposes; prohibits instructional materials reviewers from recommending instructional materials that contain any matter that contradicts certain principles; requires DOE to review school district professional development systems for compliance with certain provisions of law.

Legislative Session


2022 Regular Session


View bill on LegiScan


2022-03-0113:30Hearing412 Knott BuildingSenate Rules Hearing
2022-02-0815:30HearingN/AHouse Education & Employment Committee Hearing
2022-02-0109:00HearingN/AHouse State Affairs Committee Hearing
2022-01-2608:00HearingN/AHouse Judiciary Committee Hearing


2022-04-22Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
2022-04-22Approved by Governor
2022-04-22Chapter No. 2022-72
2022-03-10Read 3rd time
2022-03-10CS passed; YEAS 24 NAYS 15
2022-03-10In Messages
2022-03-10Ordered enrolled
2022-03-09Read 2nd time
2022-03-09Amendment(s) failed (275286, 323462, 384306, 491112, 628910, 901674) 747
2022-03-09Placed on 3rd reading
2022-03-07Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/09/22
2022-03-02Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
2022-03-01Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 12 NAYS 5
2022-02-25On Committee agenda-- Rules, 03/01/22, 1:30 pm, 412 Knott Building
2022-02-24Read 3rd time
2022-02-24Amendment 567941 Failed
2022-02-24Amendment 751037 adopted
2022-02-24CS passed as amended; YEAS 74, NAYS 41
2022-02-24Immediately certified
2022-02-24In Messages
2022-02-24Referred to Rules
2022-02-22Read 2nd time
2022-02-22Amendment 982331 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 158369 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 728883 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 135269 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 258705 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 886553 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 161453 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 626959 adopted
2022-02-22Amendment 849027 adopted
2022-02-22Amendment 413091 superseded by substitute
2022-02-22Amendment 744731 adopted
2022-02-22Amendment 174391 superseded by substitute
2022-02-22Amendment 501213 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 872065 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 406807 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 333285 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 017987 Failed
2022-02-22Amendment 487075 Failed
2022-02-22Placed on 3rd reading
2022-02-22Added to Third Reading Calendar
2022-02-17Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/22/2022)
2022-02-141st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)
2022-02-14Bill referred to House Calendar
2022-02-14Added to Second Reading Calendar
2022-02-11Reported out of Education & Employment Committee
2022-02-11Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
2022-02-11CS Filed
2022-02-09Favorable with CS by Education & Employment Committee
2022-02-04Added to Education & Employment Committee agenda
2022-02-01Favorable by State Affairs Committee
2022-02-01Reported out of State Affairs Committee
2022-02-01Now in Education & Employment Committee
2022-01-28Added to State Affairs Committee agenda
2022-01-26Favorable by Judiciary Committee
2022-01-26Reported out of Judiciary Committee
2022-01-26Now in State Affairs Committee
2022-01-24Added to Judiciary Committee agenda
2022-01-12Referred to Judiciary Committee
2022-01-12Referred to State Affairs Committee
2022-01-12Referred to Education & Employment Committee
2022-01-12Now in Judiciary Committee
2022-01-111st Reading (Original Filed Version)